But rather than simply arguing that something will or won’t work, design thinking frames the conversation in terms of what would have to be true in order for an idea to be successful.
Articulation: Now that there are a number of different ideas, the group questions the assumptions implicit in them. Emergence: Using the new design criteria, stakeholders brainstorm individually, then share ideas and build on them, brainstorming solutions. Without constraints, they have creative discussions to determine what the criteria should be of the new design. Alignment: Now the group asks “If anything were possible” questions to determine what the new design would do well. Sense Making: The innovation team next collects the observations and data considered most important, then invites key stakeholders to note the data they consider most essential and group them by themes. Immersion: Rather than start off looking at existing data, the design thinker takes an ethnographic approach and walks through the customer’s experience, thereby gaining deeper understanding and uncovering unarticulated needs. The Processĭesign thinking typically involves seven steps along the path from customer discovery to idea generation to the innovative result itself. The methodology’s design unleashes the thinking. There’s freedom in the structure that comes with design thinking. To avoid making mistakes, people will naturally choose inaction over action, but the clear order of actions and tools the design thinking process provides contribute to a sense of psychological safety. And it inspires confidence it’s hard to be innovative if you’re scared of being wrong.
With the process rooted firmly in collaboration, innovators push past confirmation bias and see what information other stakeholders consider vital. Not only does each step lead to an output that feeds directly into the next, it helps participants move beyond human tendencies that are counterproductive to innovation: Design thinking pushes beyond habits and “status quo” thinking.
One of the greatest gifts design thinking brings the workplace is its methodical approach having an explicitly spelled out process helps overcome inhibitors to change. Total quality management served that purpose for manufacturing in the 1980s the creative problem-solving design thinking offers does the same for innovation three decades later. When the right tools and significant insight are applied to a work process, the combination can lead to game-changing improvements in how business is done.