
Gravity as emergent phenomena
Gravity as emergent phenomena

gravity as emergent phenomena

R.G. Cai, L.M. Cao, Y.P. Hu: J. High Energy Phys. S. Kolekar, D. Kothawala, T. Padmanabhan: Phys. Padmanabhan: Noether current from the surface term of gravitational action, Virasoro algebra and horizon entropy, Phys. K. Srinivasan, L. Sriramkumar, T. Padmanabhan: Phys. T. Padmanabhan: Dark energy: Mystery of the millennium. O. Miskovic, R. Olea: J. High Energy Phys. T. Padmanabhan: Gravitation: Foundations and Frontiers (Cambridge Univ. by W.H. Zurek, A. van der Merwe, W.A. Miller (Princeton Univ.

gravity as emergent phenomena

J.W. York Jr.: Boundary terms in the action principles of generalrelativity. G.E. Volovik: The Universe in a Helium Droplet (Oxford Univ. T. Padmanabhan: Lessons from classical gravity about the quantum structure of spacetime, J. Phys. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This article describes the context, concrete results, and implications of this approach which views gravity as an emergent phenomenon. Today we know of several examples of spacetimes that exhibit thermal phenomena, which raises the following questions: Could it be that spacetime itself has a microstructure and classical gravity is just the thermodynamic limit of the statistical mechanics of these atoms of spacetime? If so, does classical gravity show evidence of this feature? Several recent results suggest that this could indeed be the case. Boltzmann was the first to emphasize that the thermal phenomena exhibited by a fluid – e. g., its ability to retain and transfer heat – implies the existence of microstructure. Classical general relativity treats spacetime as a continuum just as fluid dynamics treats a fluid as a continuum.

Gravity as emergent phenomena