
Auditory learning style thesis
Auditory learning style thesis

auditory learning style thesis

The pupils’ IQ and their academic performance in all subjects were significantly related which means that the higher the IQ, the higher the academic achievement is expected. The Grade five pupils had higher academic performance than the grade six pupils in English. The result of the study showed that girls performed better in English and Filipino than their male counterpart. The personal characteristics of the elementary grade pupils such as sex, age, grade level, and IQ were related to their academic performance in English and Filipino. However, there was no significant relationship between pupils’ sex, age, grade level, and IQ and their perceived teaching style of their teachers’ in Mathematics and Science. There was a significant relationship between sex and perceived teaching style in English, while age, sex and grade level were significantly related to their perceived teaching style of their teachers in Filipino. When pupils were grouped according to sex, age, grade level and IQ, their perception of their teachers’ teaching styles in all subjects was verbal. Kinesthetic was their least dominant learning style. The data revealed that auditory and visual were the dominant learning styles of pupils when grouped according to sex, age, grade level and IQ. However, the pupils’ IQ was related to their learning style. The pupils’ personal characteristics such as sex, age and grade level were not significantly related to their learning style. Two in every ten pupils performed outstandingly in English and in Science and one in every ten pupils had an outstanding academic performance in Mathematics and Filipino. The average performance of the pupils in the four subjects was over 83%. Majority of the elementary pupils had satisfactory academic performance in the four academic subjects. Majority of the pupils’ perceived the teaching style of their teachers in all subject areas, English, Mathematics, Science and Filipino to be verbal. The dominant learning styles of the Grade five pupils were visual followed by auditory and verbal while in the Grade six pupils were auditory, followed by verbal, and then visual. One in every five pupils in the elementary had bright to superior IQ, but almost one-fifth had low average IQ. Over one-third of the respondents were in the middle average IQ while over one fourth were in the above average IQ. There were 138 grade V pupils and 175 enrolled grade VI pupils for the school year 2009-2010. Of the 313 respondents, 50.8% were males and 49.2% were females. Two types of analyses were used, the descriptive analysis and the correlational analysis.

#Auditory learning style thesis windows#

The data collected were coded, encoded and analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for windows program.

auditory learning style thesis

The instrument used in this study was a teacher- made questionnaire which was administered personally by the researcher to the respondents. The respondents consisted of the 313 intermediate pupils of Central Philippine University Elementary School. This study aimed to determine the relationship of pupils’ learning styles and their academic performance in their major subjects namely: English, Filipino, Mathematics and Science.

Auditory learning style thesis